#º×  – th play it cool ・


                                                                                       ━      ♘  ┊  @rkjoohyvn      、

jaemin doesn’t get starstruck often  – perks of having had a rockstar for a dad certainly cemented his lackluster shock value to a minimum. but he’s certain from the eyes that fell upon the girl just across the cafe ; she had to be somebody, right? more or less, jaemin probably would have steered clear of the situation ; it didn’t look like this was a time for an impromptu meet and greet scenario but leave it to him to get caught up in his friends’ schemes. when they saw a cute, probably famous girl, the lot of them were like a pack of puppies, waiting to be praised ; tails wagging in anticipation. while jaemin didn’t like to be one of them, he couldn’t help but grow curious as to who this famous person was.

i think she’s from the kt girl group – the one named after the moon or something.” jaemin furrows his eyebrows, not entirely sure who his friend was referencing. he wasn’t too keen in kpop – sure they had notable jams here and there, but none that were thoroughly his style or anything. “dude! do you think you can get her autograph for me? i’m too nervous.” and suddenly a set of puppy dog eyes turn to him and it’s something jaemin can’t help but roll his eyes to. not only did he not want to do that  –  it looked like he had no choice, he knew his friend was determined, and it wouldn’t give up until jaemin did it ; unfortunately for jaemin, his friend was also a coward and that always got jaemin into sticky situations.

so, with a groan; he grabs the napkin his friend tosses to him and makes quick footwork towards the girl ; side-eyeing the surroundings as he excuses himself from the horde of fans who had just left her. hand coming up to scratch the back of his own neck out of nervousness – heck, where did those nerves come from? was he starstruck or something? nah, he needed to play it cool

“um,” he blinks, sliding the napkin over to the girl. “do you think i could get an autograph please?”
